Cloudscene Product Update: Compare Tool Advances

Cloudscene Product Update: Compare Tool Advances

Compare Data Centers

Once you’ve selected two service providers (and you’re logged in), you’ll be able to analyze the data available on the two companies ie rankings, company information, connectivity (operated markets, PoPs and fabric memberships) and contact details:

Colt and euNetworks

Compare Markets

With more than 700 markets spanning 110 countries, we’ve made it easier to compare countries/cities/regions side-by-side in just a matter of clicks. Accessible from any of Cloudscene’s market pages, the compare tool now allows users to select two markets to generate a detailed comparison between the regions. This includes macro level data and information relating to the overall connectivity and ecosystems within the given markets. To start comparing markets, simply select the scales icon in the top right of the page (above the map) and follow the prompts.

Compare Data Center Markets

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