Embracing the Flexibility of IP Transit On-Demand with Xfernet’s Jeffrey Nikoletich

Embracing the Flexibility of IP Transit On-Demand with Xfernet’s Jeffrey Nikoletich

With device usage surging and network connectivity becoming more central to our lives than ever before, IP Transit On-Demand is weaving its way into the digital infrastructure of many global businesses.

Transit On-Demand enables organizations to quickly scale their transit requirements without committing to a long-term bandwidth contract or engaging in long contract negotiations.

The inherently flexible nature of this network solution is proving to be very attractive to businesses of all sizes, as it empowers them to take control of their requirements, costs and growth opportunities.

To find out more about the benefits and future of leveraging IP Transit On-Demand as well as the consequences and potential missed opportunities of neglecting this solution, we gain insights from Xfernet‘s Chief Investment Officer, Jeffrey Nikoletich.

Leveraging IP Transit On-Demand for flexibility, scalability, and cost savings

IP Transit On-Demand serves enterprises of any size the ability to be flexible with their usage requirements, scale upon request, and make significant savings when it comes to connectivity costs.

The very nature of on-demand transit means that organizations can quickly add or remove transit connectivity based on their current network demands, without worrying about fixed costs or plans with their provider.

“They don’t have to commit to a long-term contract or hedge their bets on bandwidth commitments,” says Nikoletich, “so if their needs change at any time, they have the ability to be nimble.”

Nikoletich gives the example of a business launching a new application. The business can see how much bandwidth the application requires at launch and then an approximate amount that will be needed over a period of time thereafter.

“Here, IP Transit On-Demand allows for scaling quickly without interfering with existing performance of the network and user experience, while on the flip side, the business won’t overpay if traffic isn’t as expected at launch,” he says.

This freedom and flexibility to turn up or down the amount of bandwidth used – and the costs associated with these volumes – means that massive savings can be achieved when on-demand transit is employed, and scaling up or down becomes, for a business, a whole lot easier.

The integration of SD-WAN with on-demand IP Transit also enables enterprises to expand their network capabilities, allowing faster access to additional connectivity offerings.

Nikoletich says that, “By adding Xfernet IP Transit service to their SD-WAN provider, it allows customers to bring up connectivity where they don’t have a presence.

“Compared to a traditional carrier, this model adds faster access by adding connectivity with a single transit provider, and also fosters a more centralized point of management for the organization.”

Customer consequences of not utilizing IP Transit On-Demand

When making any business decision, it’s important to keep your customers and their needs at the forefront. And in today’s world of instant gratification, people are becoming increasingly intolerant of poor-performing connectivity.

“If, perhaps, a new game is being launched or a big streaming event is set to take place, it can ultimately hurt performance and the user experience if the network demands are unable to scale accordingly,” Nikoletich says.

“If traffic maxes out your connectivity, everyone has a bad experience – users can get disconnected from servers or logged out, or it could be very slow to load, causing delays and frustration.”

As a result, organizations can be prone to losing a lot of potential revenue and users, or even bad press, poor reviews and angry tweets, as Nikoletich has seen happen in the network industry.

The future of flexible network solutions

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has altered the future for many industry trends, and the way organizations take to IP Transit On-Demand is certainly one of them.

Nikoletich believes that we’re bound to see a larger embrace of on-demand transit as distributed working models continue to influence the business landscape.

“There has been a big demand in IP Transit due to the shift to work from home (WFH) and the uncertainty of associated bandwidth costs from offices and commercial buildings,” he says.

“Enterprises don’t want to spend money on big capacity because people may want to return to the office,” and this predicament, bound by uncertainty, will surely continue to increase the demand for flexible on-demand network solutions, all the way through the pandemic.

Content providers are also likely to drive the adoption of IP Transit around the world, given the erratic consumption of content by people globally.

“A lot of the content providers don’t know who’s going to be accessing content and when,” Nikoletich says.

“If they’re streaming a finals match, an esports game or during peak times, they don’t always know how popular the content is going to be…” he adds, “…which is why they like the flexibility that allows them to burst up for certain time periods on-demand, versus having to commit to high bandwidth for a year or more.”

So, as the demand for instant access and connectivity increases, so too will the provision of IP Transit On-Demand; a solution that captures the prevailing desire to be connected and flexible, anywhere, at any time.

Looking to take on IP Transit On-Demand yourself?

Head to Xfernet’s page on Cloudscene to see what they can do for your organization, or reach out to Cloudscene’s team of experts in connectivity, for assistance with your next network project or implementation strategy.

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Contributor: Jeffrey Nikoletich, Chief Operating Officer, Xfernet

Under Jeffrey Nikoletich’s stewardship, Xfernet operates a state-of-the art 10,000 square foot data center in Los Angeles, geographically dispersed data centers and worldwide IP backbone. To stay ahead of the ever-evolving IT landscape, he is continually expanding the company’s infrastructure and remains committed to providing customers with the highest quality of service.
