How Network Connectivity Can Help Travel Recover from COVID

How Network Connectivity Can Help Travel Recover from COVID

After two travel-less years, jet setters are returning to the skies and watching to see how the tourism industry handles their return. While this is welcome news for many, this sudden influx of demand will likely be difficult for airlines and tourism businesses that were required to scale back during the pandemic.  

To adjust to this shift, travel enterprises must equip themselves with strategic tools to provide seamless customer service and recover losses from the past two years. Integrating telecom services into core business operations is a highly effective method of increasing productivity and improving customer service. In this article, we’ll explore some key ways connectivity can help the travel sector bounce back from the pandemic and how Cloudscene can help businesses to connect.  

Company Platforms and Apps  

Creating an app or booking platform for your team is an excellent way to generate customer loyalty and streamline service. Online booking is non-negotiable for travel companies, and ease of use is essential for customer retention. Travel enterprises can establish sleek, low-latency applications and platforms by partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP). MSPs can provide businesses with PaaS (Platform as a Service) to deploy company platforms and apps or migrate infrastructure to the cloud for flexible and faster connectivity.  

Creating a platform for your company can also assist with marketing activities, as customers need to input their contact details to complete a reservation or another service. Once a client has used your platform, your team is able to contact them about upcoming events or deals to create return customers and generate loyalty. 

Browse Cloudscene to find an MSP that meets your specific requirements.  


Contact with Customers    

Network services such as cloud connectivity and robust internet access enable travel companies to be as agile as possible. Things are constantly in flux with travel; flight times change, prices fluctuate, and luggage is lost and found. Cloud services enable teams to instantly update customers with new information, giving them as much time as possible to alter their plans for a better experience.  

Previously, customers were only notified of changes immediately before their flight or arriving at their accommodation. Digitizing communication allows travel enterprises to inform clients of changes as soon as they occur and quickly offer alternative arrangements to mitigate loss. This is a significantly better experience for travellers and helps to maintain a positive reputation for the company in question.  


Online Booking  

 In 2018, 82% of all travel bookings were made online, with digital travel sales hitting an estimated $755 billion at the close of 2019. While this upward trajectory was interrupted by the events of 2020, these figures reflect shifting trends towards online reservations and away from brick-and-mortar travel agencies.  

Reserving a flight or accommodation online is convenient for customers, reduces the risk of human error and enables staff to focus on other tasks while on shift. Online booking also means companies can ask travellers to put down a deposit for reservations to avoid significant revenue loss if they cancel at the last minute.  


Digital Currency Exchange  

One of the most convenient travel innovations to come out of the digital age is the ability to immediately exchange currencies through mobile devices. Currency exchange apps and platforms are widely popular among travellers, with prominent companies like Wise accruing $4.95 billion since launching in 2011.  

Many apps enable users to instantly exchange one international currency for another, which is significantly more convenient than collecting cash from a bank or money exchange kiosk. Exchange apps and platforms use cloud connectivity to instantly transfer data to customers, regardless of their location. If users have a reliable internet connection, they can access funds from almost any country through the exchange app of their choice.  


Procure with Cloudscene   

Cloudscene is a free digital procurement platform that helps network buyers search, find and connect with telecom providers. Businesses can use Cloudscene to find network solutions such as rack colocation, cloud connectivity, cybersecurity, ethernet, dark fibre, wavelength, IP transit and internet access.  

Simply outline your requirements, time frames and budgets so that we can connect you with a provider that meets your specific needs. Explore our directory to find a cloud connectivity provider that’s right for your business, or get in touch with our friendly team to learn more about the platform.